Australia wide express postage $20.00 added at checkout
We can post to virtually any address in Australia. An express post flat fee of $20.00 applies. We do not post internationally.
Orders must be received by Wednesday 10am to be delivered by the end of that week. Orders received after this time, will be sent the following Monday.Because our Triple Cream Brie is so spectacular, we decided to create another cheese from it! During maturing, when the rind is fluffy like a cloud, we carefully roll it in ash - resulting in a striking black and white appearance. The ash serves to lock in an undeniably rich and creamy centre.
Before plating up, be sure to gently rub the rind with some paper towel (or the inside of the cheese wrapper) to further reveal the depth of colour. When you cut it open, delight in the thin charcoal line that frames the paste to perfection.
2023 – awarded CHAMPION WHITE MOULD CHEESE (Australian Grand Dairy Awards)
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